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Org doctor report

We know that Salesforce Orgs often grow organically over time, and that even under the strictest governance policies, areas of your Org can become polluted with harmful changes. Salesforce Org Doctor is a free, automated tool that will scan your Org against a set of metrics and provide you with a report detailing how well (or not) you're doing in those areas.

We respect your privacy and so there's no need to worry, none of your data is viewable by any humans, or stored in any form.

You do need to have administration access to your Salesforce Org but then it's easy, all you need to do is tick the checkboxes above, indicate whether you want to check your production or sandbox environment, and then click the button to sign in with your Salesforce credentials. Your report will then be sent through (to your Salesforce user address) within just a few minutes. If you don't receive your report for some reason contact us at